The official version of the Rules is maintained by the Office of the Secretary of State. By clicking on the appropriate title below, you will be routed to the corresponding rules. Once you are on the Rules page, click the BOOKMARK FLAG displayed in the column to the left of the rules. A listing with links will display and you can click on the applicable rule title to be routed to it.
CB101.52 Code of Federal Regulation 12 CFR Part 208 (up to date as of 5-01-2023)
CB101.52 Code of Federal Regulation 12 CFR Part 217 (up to date as of 5-01-2023)
CB101.52 Code of Federal Regulation 12 CFR Part 324 (up to date as of 5-01-2023)
CB101.64 12 Code of Federal Regulation CFR Part 32 (up to date as of 5-01-2023)
TC8 12 CFR Part 324, Subpart H (up to date as of 6-27-2024)
TC9 12 CFR Part 1 (up to date as of 6-27-2024)
TC11 12 CFR 215.2 (up to date as of 6-27-2024)
TC11 12 USC 371(c)(b) (up to date as of 06-27-2024)
TC13 12 CFR Part 324 (up to date as of 6-27-2024)
The official version of the Statutes is maintained by LexisNexis. By clicking on a title below, you will be routed to the industry page that lists out the Articles and Parts for the applicable statute. To copy and/or print a statute, you will need to access the LexisNexis website.
Commercial Banks / Division of Banking / Banking Board - Title 11, Articles 101 to 107
Money Transmitters - Title 11, Article 110 (formerly Title 12, Article 52 - recodified effective 8-9-17)
Public Deposit Protection - Title 11, Article 10.5
Trust Companies - Title 11, Article 109
Surety Bond Alternatives - Title 11, Article 35
Reverse Mortgages - Title 11, Article 38
Accessing the Official Rules and Statutes via the Division of Banking Website (Instruction Manual)